Elgin Allotment Association

Our aim is to provide local communities with allotments, community gardens and garden share schemes so that they have the opportunity to be involved in a totally inclusive and accessible activity that will have positive outcomes for the individual and the community. These will include health, education, lifestyle, social, mental wellbeing, community cohesion and environmental benefits.

Scottish Registered Charity No: SC053002

Support to the EAA has been provided by

Decora Ltd - Supplying a community shed for the Pinefield site.

EB Scotland Ltd - Providing funding for the sheds on the Pinefield site.

Moray Council - Providing the Pinefield site, support from the Community Support Unit and the Common Good Fund

Springfield Properties - Providing IBC containers for water storage at the Gardenshare site.

TSI Moray and the Moray Local Action Fund - Providing funding for our composting toilet.