How can I get involved?
If you are interested in having an allotment there are things you can do right now!
Register your interest with Moray Council by filling in their one-page Allotments Registration Form. You can open a PDF version by clicking here. Then email it to
Expressing your interest is VERY IMPORTANT to keep things moving – the more people that do this, the better. It does not mean you will be obliged to take up a plot in future. If possible, please copy Elgin Allotment Association into your email
Join Elgin Allotment Association (£5.00 per year) to go on the waiting list for an allotment plot and to keep up to date with progress. You can fill in an online application form here
You can download the allotment rules/constitution here EAA ConstitutionVolunteer! We have a tiny pool of people pushing this forward. We’d love it if you could lend your time and skills to help the allotment site grow from a dream to a reality. We’re keen to find help with spreading the word about this site, meeting with Moray Council, possible funders, contractors etc., doing some letter writing or form filling. We’re also looking for committee members. The allotments will be a community project so we should work together from the beginning if we can.
If you’re having problems downloading any forms, or would prefer a paper copy, please email the secretary and we’ll arrange to post one to you.
If you don’t want a plot but do want to support development of an allotment site, please contact the Secretary to discuss how you can get involved at