Local organisations we work with…
Moray Food Plus
MFP is a local charity that partners with the community of Moray to ensure everyone has the right to food – has a Gardenshare plot where they work with volunteers on learning new skills and growing food. See https://morayfoodplus.org.uk/
REAP is a local environmental charity that has worked on a number of local food and growing projects over the years. REAP food growing courses have been run regularly at the Gardenshare http://reapscotland.org.uk/
Useful websites for gardeners…
Allotment Garden - Gives lots of advice and help on allotments https://www.allotment-garden.org
The Organic Gardening Catologue – for seeds and plants www.organiccatalogue.com/
Tamar Organics – for seeds and gardening supplies www.tamarorganics.co.uk/
The RHS has sowing and growing advice on thousands of plants www.rhs.org.uk/
Garden Organic is another great resource for growers. It runs the Heritage Seed Library, which aims to conserve access to vegetable seeds that are less widely available. One of our members has a long-standing affiliation with Garden Organic and is a Seed Guardian. https://www.gardenorganic.org.uk/hsl
The Herb Society works to promote the use and enjoyment of herbs and has an excellent newsletter you can sign up to https://herbsociety.org.uk. One of our members is an ambassador for The Herb Society.
Permaculture Association – As the Association says, “Permaculture is a design process. It helps design intelligent systems which meet human needs whilst enhancing biodiversity, reducing our impact on the planet, and creating a fairer world for us all.” The website is a mine of information and resources. One of our gardeners is a member and has arranged permaculture training sessions on the Gardenshare with a local tutor. https://www.permaculture.org.uk
Wiggly Wigglers – Composting, gardening, bird feed and more www.wigglywigglers.co.uk/
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